Chronic Telogen Effluvium

The most common hair loss condition for men is Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). This condition can also be referred to as androgenic alopecia and genetic hair loss. This results in the gradual loss of hair, ultimately resulting in balding. The pattern of hair loss can typically be seen at the front of the head and the middle spreading towards the top area of the head.

What can you observe if you are suffering from Diffuse Hair Loss?

Diffuse hair loss causes uniform shedding all over the scalp, making the hair appear thinner due to this excessive hair fall. Whereas regular Telogen Effluvium is a temporary hair loss condition, Chronic Telogen Effluvium is more prolonged, lasting more than six months.

This hair loss condition is seen most frequently in women, although Diffuse Hair Loss can also present in men.

What causes Diffuse Hair Loss?

There are a number of reasons that diffuse hair loss may occur, including a lack of certain nutrients, stress, or as a side effect of illnesses such as anaemia and thyroid conditions.

How is Diffuse Hair Loss Treated?

Diffuse hair loss can be treated using a complete treatment programme involving minoxidil to stop the thinning of hair and promote regrowth. However, the underlying cause of this shedding will need to be diagnosed so that this can also be treated, where appropriate, by a healthcare professional.

For those experiencing Chronic Telogen Effluvium the diet should be checked for an adequate intake of nutrients. Clinical investigations should be made for thyroid, haemoglobin and hormonal problems. Stress may also be a contributing factor in Diffuse Thinning so this should also be investigated.

What can you observe if you are suffering from Diffuse Hair Loss?

Diffuse hair loss causes uniform shedding all over the scalp, making the hair appear thinner due to this excessive hair fall. Whereas regular Telogen Effluvium is a temporary hair loss condition, Chronic Telogen Effluvium is more prolonged, lasting more than six months.

This hair loss condition is seen most frequently in women, although Diffuse Hair Loss can also present in men.

Examples of Diffuse Hair Loss

Below one can see the difference before and after a patient suffering from diffuse hair loss (chronic telogen effluvium) experiences after commences a complete treatment programme. Of course this varies from one patient to another depending on any underlying conditions and positive reaction to treatment.