Beard Transplant

A beard transplant is a procedure that’s becoming more and more popular among men. Nowadays, facial hair no longer merely protects against natural external aggressions; it’s part of our identity and image.

What is a beard transplant?

Beard transplantation is a procedure that consists of taking hair from the back of the scalp and transplanting it to the beard area.

A beard transplant may be suitable for those experiencing a lack of facial hair growth caused by genetics or scarring. It’s also for those who simply want to have more density in certain areas of their beard.

How does beard transplantation work?

The process is as follows:

The doctor and specialist analyses the donor area in order to identify how best to carry out the procedure. First of all, the donor area is shaved to facilitate the extraction of the follicular units. Then, local anaesthesia is administered – this means the procedure is totally painless. The follicular units are extracted one by one.

After this, they are also implanted one by one in the desired area. An incision of no more than 1 mm is carefully made using a micro clamp or a special implanter in the recipient area, always considering the direction of the beard and moustache hair. This is essential for the result to be totally natural.

It’s necessary to remember that the hair on the face is thicker than on the scalp, and the follicles usually have one or two hairs, rarely more.


How long does a beard transplant last?

A beard transplant provides a full beard for a lifetime. It’s important to remember that the patient’s follicular units are moved from one area of their own scalp to another. Therefore, it’s not possible for them to be rejected once they are implanted and have adapted to the recipient area.


When will I start seeing results?

After the beard transplant procedure, a good result depends on the quality of postoperative care. Patients should always perform a set of tasks after their operation, in addition to attending follow-up appointments at the clinic.

On average, about three/four months after the beard transplant, the grafted follicles begin to grow.


What are the results of a beard transplant like? 

The results of a beard transplant are natural, with a much fuller beard that behaves like any natural beard.


What is the postoperative period of a beard transplant like? 

In a beard transplant, recovery is fast. That means you can lead a normal life following the procedure. The steps that should be taken during the first few days are simpler than those for a hair transplant, and they only last 10 days after the procedure.

During the first few days, you have to apply healing cream and avoid direct sunlight on the recipient area. It is also important to avoid rubbing the beard area, especially with clothes or hands not to damage the implanted follicles.

Beard hairs should not be trimmed until the doctor says so because doing so could damage the transplanted units.

Also, as with hair transplantation, it is important not to scratch the area or tear off any scabs that appear during those first few days. After a beard transplant, the scabs fall off by themselves after a week.

It’s also important to know that before the first shave, the area and follicular units must have fully adapted. That’s why it is important not to shave until indicated by the specialist.


Price of a beard transplant 

Normally, the price of a beard transplant is lower than the price of a hair transplant. This is because it’s almost always the case that fewer follicular units are needed to cover the recipient area than in a hair transplant. The price of a beard transplant varies depending on the patient and the number of follicular units needed to meet their expectations.

Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our resident specialists or send us photos in order to receive a quote of the cost to perform the beard transplant. Prices vary depending on the amount of hairs that are required to produce a much fuller beard.